ANLiegen Natur
Journal for nature conservation and applied landscape ecology

Content of the issue 41/1 (2019)
ISSN 978-3-944219-39-4 (Print-Version)
All articles of this issue listed below can be downloaded as free pdf-files.
Table of contents with summary and full text articles
Table of contents
ANLiegen Natur 41/1 (2019): Pages 3 till 5 download full text (german only,
0,2 MB).
Insect diversity
Discussion paper
How can we help our native insects?
Wolfram Adelmann
to the article (german only)
Insect Dying: Dramatic results require quick action - A conference review
Doris Stadlmann and Wolfram Adelmann
to the article (german only)
Arthropods on ecological priority areas with catch crops - Narrow food for insectivores?
Andreas Zahn
to the article (german only)
From "Ieehhh!" To "Oh!" - Insects in high school biology lessons
Thomas Gerl, Tobias Fröhlich, Ernst Hollweck, Martin Jochner and German Weber
to the article (german only)
What do we do for insects? - International insect repellent activities
Andrea Grill and Christian Stettmer
to the article (german only)
Insect Diversity - Initiatives and Perspectives: A Conference Report
Gerti Fluhr-Meyer and Paul-Bastian Nagel
to the article (german only)
Light pollution - cause of insect decline?
Johannes Voith und Bernhard Hoiß
to the article (german only)
More than just "bee pasture" - how agri-environmental measures help with natural pest control
Fabian Bötzl, Jochen Krauss and Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter
to the article (german only)

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To the individual notes from the category insect diversity:
Global insect killing on an unprecedented scale
International Insect Repellent Symposium: Nine-Point Plan Against Insect Dying
Green, green, green is everything I have - why green meadows are not enough for our butterflies
Biodiversity: Hundreds of municipalities refrain entirely or partially from chemical pesticides
Sustainable gardens and habitat for beneficial organisms: The Hortus Network introduces itself
Blossom out
Flower strips and flowering areas in agricultural practice - a nature conservation evaluation
Simon Dietzel, Fabian Sauter, Michaela Moosner, Christina Fischer and Johannes Kollmann
to the article (german only)
Seed mixtures for flower strips and their use in Bavaria
Isa Ghasemi and Harald Volz
to the article (german only)
Blühpakt Bayern - more protection and more attention for our insects
Stephan Niederleitner
to the article (german only)
"NATÜRLICH BAYERN": an initiative for insect-rich habitats
Stephan Niederleitner
to the article (german only)
Species protection
The bog-boggling (Colias palaeno) - the microclimate of the larval habitats is crucial to its survival
Matthias Dolek, Anja Freese-Hager, Maria Georgi, Markus Bräu, Peter Poschlod and Christian Stettmer
to the article (german only)
The Apollo butterfly in the Kleinziegenfelder Tal - conservation and protection of the last population in the Franconian Switzerland
Adi Geyer
to the article (german only)
Yellow-bellied sun can also shade
Moritz Schönhärl, Christoph Moning and Cynthia Tobisch
to the article (german only)
Forest conservation
In Dubio per Betula - plea for more tolerance to the moor birch in bogs
Stefan Müller-Kroehling
to the article (german only)
Ascending and conservation: 7 questions, 7 answers
Stefan Müller-Kroehling
to the article (german only)
Striped debarking combats book printers in already infected spruces
Jonas Hagge, Franz Leibl, Jörg Müller, Martin Plechinger und Simon Thorn
to the article (german only)
Landscape planning and maintenance
Shepherding concepts - securing sheep grazing on valuable land
Beate Krettinger, Christiane Feucht and Jürgen Metzner
to the article (german only)

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To the individual notes from the category Landscape planning and maintenance:
Nationwide monitoring shows high pesticide contamination of small bodies of water
Small but powerful: use of a compact backtrack in landscape management
"Dimming" - a way to reduce the waterwort (Senecio aquaticus)?
Cistercian monasteries in Central Europe: learning to read and appreciate the landscape
Law and administration
Updated Guide of the European Commission on Natura 2000 site management
Peter Fischer-Hüftle
to the article (german only)

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To the individual notes from the category Law and administration:
Natura 2000
SouthLIFE - Optimized management of Natura 2000 sites in Southern Bohemia and Southern Slovakia
Roman Barták and Zdeněk Klimeš
to the article (german only)
Large predators and Natura 2000: European networks for nature conservation
Stefanie Klein and Moritz Klose
to the article (german only)
Type or subspecies? The pit beetle is a fauna-flora-habitat species in every respect
Stefan Müller-Kroehling, Wolfram Adelmann, Axel Ssymank and Götz Ellwanger
to the article (german only)
Natura 2000 in Bavaria - Conflicts, Competences and Communication
Florian Weber, Nora Crossey, Albert Roẞmeier and Olaf Kühne
to the article (german only)
LIFE for MIRES - Cross-Border Moor Protection at the Green Belt Europe
Melanie Kreutz, Karel Kleijn and Karl Haberzettl
to the article (german only)
LIFE + project "Ausseerland" - implementation and impact
Anna-Sophie Pirtscher
to the article (german only)
The Natura 2000 network in Cyprus and the project iLIFE-TROODOS
Marios Andreou and Minas Papadopoulos
to the article (german only)
RAPID LIFE: Limit and prevent the spread of invasive alien species
Rebecca Jones und Alexia Fish
to the article (german only)
Various topics
Preservation of Biological Diversity in 12 Bavarian Cities - An Overview
Dorothee Stiriz and Paul-Bastian Nagel
to the article (german only)

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To the individual notes from the category Various topics:
Caspar Hallmann in an interview
Dr. Wolfram Adelmann
to the article (german only)
Interview with dr. Emily Poppenborg-Martin
Dr. Bernhard Hoiß
to the article (german only)
Literature and information

To the individual books and brochures:
From the academy
Information about the ANL
ANLiegen Natur 41/1 (2019): Page 252 download full text
(german only )
Contact person of the ANL:
Dr. Bernhard HoißBayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL)
Fachbereich 2: Angewandte Forschung und Wissenstransfer
Seethalerstraße 6
83410 Laufen
Telefon +49 8682 8963-53

Additional Informations
Internal links
The Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL) is subordinate to the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection. We are responsible for education and training, applied research, and the production of high-quality publications.
- Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection
- Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU)
- Berchtesgaden National Park
- Bavarian Forest National Park
- BayernTourNatur
- YouTube-channel of the Ministry for the Environment
- Biological diversity of Bavaria
- Energy-Atlas of Bavaria
- Ark Bavaria
- Environmental education Bayern
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
As the first academy worldwide 2010 the ANL became an IUCN member. Joining the international network of experts, cross-border co-operations and international projects are part of our common duties. more